
Monday, December 10, 2012

Let's Talk Relationships!

Here is a Valentine created in heaven. It is for anyone who will open the envelope…the Bible, and accept the Gift that is waiting for you there.

For God so loVed the world
that He gAve his
thaT whosoever
believeth In Him
should Not perish
but have Everlasting life.
John 3:16

Hearts, Love, and Valentines seem to run together in our thinking. Our hearts turn to the ones we love and gifts are usually the result – flowers, chocolates, etc.
We know that our physical heart is the most important organ of our body, and we give it special care.
The Scripture addresses our real Self, as the heart of a person; how we think, act, respond to life, love God and others. The wise man, Solomon, challenges us with the words in Proverbs 4:23 Keep thy heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life.
I John 4:19 Reminds us: We love God because he first loved us.

HAPPY VALENTINES DAY in advance because I think everyday is your day!!